2009 Already? Yesss!!!!
We just finished an exciting season of summer missions here in Chicago. I am already getting really pumped for next year. We just booked our 6th college group for Spring Break and even summer registrations are starting.
All of this leaves me energized about diving into new sections of scripture to better understand what it means to Seek Peace in the City.
"But Seek the Welfare (shalom) of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare (shalom) you will find your welfare (shalom)."
Jeremiah 29:7
What does it look like to enter some of the most marginalized places in our country and find not only a place God is at work, but a place in which God will work on us? What does God have to teach us not only about our capacity to give but our need to receive, in the city? How in the world can we find peace in the city?
These are all things that I believe God is answering in the city, through Bridge Builders, as college, high-schoolers, and even adults find Him waiting to work in their lives!
If you know of a college ministry (spring break) or high school group (summer) that would benefit from this ministry, by all means hook us up! (check out the Bridge Builders link at www.sunshinegospel.org)